Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Wow!  Seems like it has been so long since we have seen the sun!  I am still lounging on the couch eating ice cream, but hoping to sneak outside for a bit later today and enjoy the sun!  Thanks for all the love and prayers and encouragement being sent my way.

Construction on Kok Road  continues.  I am so tired of the banging and clanging in my head!  But progress is being made.  If you come to FOLKTALES today, the flagger on the corner of Kok Road and 19th Street will tell you how to get here.  They are putting in gas lines so you may not be able to park right in front of the shop, but there is available parking at Fishtrap Creek Interiors and it is a very short walk from there.

No matter where you find yourself today, I hope you find a moment to enjoy the sunshine!